Saturday, August 7, 2010

Recomendaciones del Consejo de Abuelas(os) de la Liga - Caso Jornada-Caguana

August  4th, 2010 -  Centro  Naguake  -  Yabucoa -  1:30pm
The  Council of  Elders  of  the Liga  Guakia  Taina ke (Nuestra  Tierra  Taina) met  in the Naguake  Center in  Yabucoa to  discuss and  review  the evidence  presented  by  Dr.  Melendez,  Mr.  Cesar  Medina, Abuela  Yarimari,  and  Gamaliel Diaz.

Decision of  the Council of  Elders  of  the  Liga  Guakia  Taina-ke:

We  the  Council of  Elder make  the following  recommendations:
  • Ms.  Elba Lugo,  Ms. Vanessa  Pastrano, and  Grandmother  Shachira should offer a public apology to the Liga and  other  organizations that  were prevented from participating in the Peace  and  Dignity  Journey.  This will  serve to repair  some of the damages  and restore some level of  credibility to their  respective  organizations. 
  • Ms.  Elba Lugo,  Ms. Vanessa  Pastrana, and  Grandmother  Shachira;  must accompany  Dr.  Melendez to  to  make  some type  appeasement, in order  to repair relations with  municipal  governments that  invested  time,  effort and funds in preparation for Journey.
  • That the  organizers of  the Journey – Consejo  de  Tainos Borincanos  and  Ms. Pastrano - refund  la Liga  Guakia  Taina ke  for  the expenses made in preparation for  the  Journey.
  • That  in future  collaborative  events,  such as the  Journey,  an outside overseer be  assigned  to   prevent  manipulation and usurpation  by  other  organizations.
  • That the  Peace  and  Dignity Journey    be  held  in the Liga’s  region  in 2011,  with the  participation  of  all  organizations (indigenous  and non-indigenous) and communities  in the planning and  organizing  of  the event.(Note: Dr. Melendez  objects  to  the  participation of the  Consejo de  Tainos  Borincanos (Ms. Elba  Lugo) and Ms.  Vanessa  Pastrano.  The  Consejo de  Abuelas(o)  will  reconsider  her recommendation  in our September 2010 meeting.)
  • Considering Caguana  is  a public place  (tourist attraction),  the Liga  should  be allowed to publish  the  photos  and  videos  it  has  in its  possession in the  Internet.   Photos and images showing unruly,  aggressive or  antisocial  behavior  will  not  be placed  in the  Internet.
  • Considering both  Lugo and Pastrano  are members  of  the  United Confederation of  Taino People  (UCTP),  we  recommend they go before a  UCTP review  board or committee.
The strongest piece of evidence in support of these  recommendations  were the email  exchanges  between  Dra.  Melendez,  Ms.  Elba  “Anaca”  Lugo,  Mr. Jose  Malvido, and Ms.  Vanessa  Pastrano (Ina).  We also  took  into  strong consideration the  photos  and  videos clips  taken  on July  25th in Caguana. These  clearly  show  that  Dr. Melendez  on  repeated  occasions tried to  obtain concise information of  the Journey. Copies  of  these  emails  were  also  sent to  Mr  Borrero  by both parties involved  in this incident.

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